CESOP-Local participates in the book "Poder Local em tempos de Covid-19"
It was with great pleasure that the CESOP-Local Investigation Team of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, under the coordination of the esteemed and longing Prof. José Fidalgo Gonçalves, participated in the work “Poder Local em tempos de Covid-19”, which gathers in two volumes a total of 20 chapters, in which 32 authors participate.
Volume I “A Qualidade da Democracia Local e a Governação em tempos de Covid-19” and Volume II “A Cooperação Territorial e Institucional no combate à pandemia e os Desafios da Recuperação”, are presented under the seal of Edições Almedina with the institutional sponsorship of the National Association of Municipal Assemblies and coordination by Manuel Ferreira Ramos, Luís Almeida and Luís de Sousa.
In the chapter “Os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável enquanto bússola da recuperação pós-covid-19” the authors (José Fidalgo Gonçalves, João António, Joana de Abreu, Tânia Correia, Jorge Cerol and Ricardo Reis, all from CESOP-Local) reflect on the importance of Portugal ensuring the effective implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda and on the essential role of Portuguese Municipalities in fulfilling this task.
The presentation of the work will take place next Friday, July 23rd, at 6pm, in Ourém, in a debate moderated by Albino Almeida, President of the National Association of Municipal Assemblies, with the participation of Adalberto Campos Fernandes, former Minister of Health and Professor at the National School of Public Health of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, of André Gonçalo Dias Pereira, Professor at the Faculty of Law of the Universidade de Coimbra and Advisor of the National Ethics Council for Life Sciences, and Luís Filipe Mota Almeida, co-organizer of the work, who will pay tribute to Professor José Fidalgo Gonçalves during his speech. Luís Filipe Mota Almeida, co-organizer of the book, who will pay tribute to Prof. José Fidalgo Gonçalves during his speech.
The launch session, open to the public, will be broadcast live and can be followed on the Catholic-CESOP channels.
The book is on sale.