MSI Portal
The digital platform that allows for the municipalities to consult their data on the Municipal Sustainability

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Preliminary note: To the municipalities with authorized access to the MSI Portal, the access to the digital platform is made through the “Results” button on the upper right corner of the page, after personal authentication.
The Municipal Sustainability Index is on its sixth edition, which includes a total of 146 indicators (125 without duplication), related to 70 targets, that are appliable to the local level, that better translate the 2030 Agenda’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) to the municipal reality. It is the result of the investigation developed by the CESOP-Local team of investigators as a live-laboratory of social dynamics for sustainability, in collaboration with mayors and municipal technicians that are partners of the CESOP-Local Network, within the scope of the Sustainable Territories Project.
Since 2018, the MSI allows each municipality to get an annual report with the diagnosis for its territory in each of the 17 SDGs, through analyzed and developed goals and indicators. For a more intuitive and dynamic utilization of municipal departments, in 2020, the MSI was uploaded to this platform.
The ISM Portal pretends to promote a bigger proximity, knowledge, flexibility and involvement of interested actors within municipalities of the CESOP-Local Network for Sustainable Territories, facilitating the query of MSI data through six categories available on the app:
1. Global Results
2. Results by Dimension
3. Global Portrait
4. Evolutions
5. Results by SDG
6. Meta-information
The Coordinators of the Municipalities of the CESOP-Local Network now have access to a management system where they can (1) create or delete accounts for City Council members, (2) manage accesses to the MSI Portal and derived, (3) select five municipalities with whom to compare the results of the MSI, (4) and adhere to the various tools developed and available to the Network.
The version of the MSI Portal that you are about to consult has an exemplificative character. The data and scores exhibited on the methodology aren’t real and don’t reflect the results of any municipality on the country. Just members of the CESOP-Local Network for Sustainable Territories can authorize the public divulgation of the MSI results. The MSI doesn’t create rankings, and can’t be used for those effects.
The Portuguese municipalities that don’t yet belong to the CESOP-Local Network, now have the opportunity, with no costs, of having access to the results from every Municipal Sustainability Index for their territory. All that’s needed is to get in contact with us by e-mail
Visit the MSI Portal and know the platform that your municipality’s going to use.!
The ISM Report should be cited as: Abreu, J., António, J.H.C., Cerol, J. & Ribeiro, A. (2023). 2023 Municipal Sustainability Index. Lisbon: Universidade Católica Portuguesa.