Tool for Integration of Monitoring Information

FIIM – Tool for Integration of Monitoring Information – is a pilot project that resulted from an approved application to the Technical Assistance Operational Program 2020 (POAT)and has as study object the various systems that gather and organize information present on a municipality, with the goal of creating a monitoring and evaluation tool for projects or political interventions, on a municipal level, starting with the integration of identified data that support a battery of indicators created for the effect, and apply them to a municipality.
The pilot project aims to deepen the capacity to systematically assess and measure the policies that are closer to the citizens through a pilot study at Vila Nova de Famalicão municipality, aiming to respond to the urgency that the cohesion funds have, mostly, to serve quantifiable targets. There is a clear need for the existence of cohesion policies that are mostly performance based, since the state of the art has been more policy drive. Articulating both philosophies (policy driven and performance based) is critical, but it can only be done if there are good indicators from the funds’ beneficiaries, that help to calibrate and guide the funds for a greater efficiency.
You can watch the FIIM presentation on the September 2022 IDL presentation here.
With good measurement, one can communicate better and involve citizens on the public cause, protecting them from easier speeches.